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Pedagogical Content

Teaching Methods


Teaching methods are distinct from each teacher of SD Pelita Nusantara. The teaching method that they are applying works and depends to the class that they have. The common goals that they are attaining is to develop a lifelong learners equip with 21st century skills and to develop a future leader in them wherein they lead themselves and others to achieve success in the future. For example, in my observation to Mr. Ferro from his 3B class, he maximized the used of group activity as a teaching method. With this, he help his learners develop collaboration and social skills which are also part in the 21st century skills and in their curriculum which are relevant when they are soon be exposed to the real world.


Learning Materials and Innovation


Learning Materials

Learners have their workbook and book

            The workbook contains worksheet for the pupils to work on. It has questions that are related to what is in their books.

            Book contains the important and relevant ideas about the topic that the class would cover in a semester.


            If the questions and activities in the workbook are not applicable to the setting of the class, the teacher would think another way of meeting its goal. For example, when Ibu Intan taught in science in her class tiga (3)-A about the plants, the given activity from their workbook is to went to the garden of the school and draw certain plant from the garden that flowers and do not have flowers. Since the school doesn’t have a botanical garden. She asks the pupils to think of their own plant that would connect to their prior knowledge. Also, I reflected that IbuIntan is trying to bring out the creative and critical skills of her learners. On the other day, she let her pupils to bring leaves of the plants as part of their science journal.Teacher Intan innovate the content of the activities and still created a meaningful learning for the pupils.


Sources of Learning and Technology


Sources of Learning

        As I observed in SD Pelita Nusantara School learning is not only rooted on the books and workbooks of the learners that serve as their reference from the lesson but as well also on the part of the teachers. The teacher before entering the class make sure that they already master the lesson and made a wide reading on the topic that they are about to teach from their teaching journals both from the old/new issued book and through internet browsing. The teacher also do not alone carryout the lesson but they also elicit answers and ideas from the pupils thus, follows a progressivism approach to teaching. With this, it makes the class engaging and a two way process.


Other than the textbook and workbook. The students are encourage to do out of the school activities that serves as widening the student's horizon to learning.

According to Mr. Hansen,
"Students visit the Batik Factory to see how the traditional batik of Indonesia is made"- Mr. Hansen, a faculty member.


For me, this learning opportunity enable the child to value it most because they was able to have an actual experience.



        The adaptation of technology in SD Pelita Nusantara is present; they have a wifi source in the tree house area. During breaks, teachers could go there to search for something in deepening school related dicussions/activities. The school’s DLP is however cannot be used for the meantime for it was broken. The teachers are also hands on in terms of manipulating technology related things such as laptop.


Authentic Assessment


Authentic Assessment happens after the presentation of concepts. Authentic assessments are related to the objectives present in the learning plan it is grounded to the workbooks of the pupils and the performance task given by the teachers.

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